All A.S.98 bags are entirely designed in Italy where the use of fine leathers, careful tanning techniques and sophisticated craftsmanship make them unique. Each A.S.98 leather bag has a story to tell and expresses the style of a brand with character.
A.S.98 Ewart Borse Khaki | IT-CFS-264815
A.S.98 Lory Borse Khaki | IT-NKY-246501
A.S.98 200537 Borse Khaki | IT-MIF-945703
A.S.98 Limone Borse Beige | IT-HBD-973156
A.S.98 Limone Borse Verdi | IT-WAP-319728
A.S.98 Bardolino Borse Verdi Chiaro | IT-PQH-835649
A.S.98 Assenza Borse Verdi | IT-BZN-836725
A.S.98 Veria Borse Khaki | IT-WBN-847619